Monday 13 August 2012




Recently me brother got me hooked on Stargate SG-1, so for his birthday I thought that it would be a good idea to make him a Goa'uld. Because I've watched so much Stargate, I figured I would be able to make a pretty accurate Goa'uld symbiote. The body is made of three ropes of french knitting. The back fins are just plain knitting, while the head fins (or as my brother has joked ear fins) are french knitting.


The mouth is french knitting and the teeth are knitted. My fingers where sore and blistered by the time I finished, but I got the symbiote finished in exactly a week, at 3 am on my brother's birthday. (The last 2 hours while I was finishing it I kept talking to myself in a strange Rumplestiltskin voice)!

1 comment:

  1. If your talking like rumplestiltskin, hunny your obsessed and its time to put the craft project down and slowly back away ;) ~ Kara
