Thursday, 31 October 2013


Scientist are evil, because they steal my ideas.  

Years ago I had an idea, and that idea was this: I thought that maybe people could make special gloves that had microscopic hairs on them, like the hairs on a geckos foot. My brother said I was mad, and that is was impossible. But is seems that maybe he is the mad one......
Also if Gecko hair gloves become a successful thing in the future, just remember, I came up with the idea first.

Monday, 22 July 2013


I made this crocheted bunny a few weeks ago using this pattern: it's really quick and easy!
And really cute!!!

Saturday, 20 July 2013



Patchwork, mess-ups and buttons!

For mothers day I made my Mum a patchwork waistcoat. It was my very first attempt at making a piece of clothing and so of course I screwed it up. It ended up being a bit shorter than I had planned and I messed up one of the arm pits. :/

It's was pretty fun to make apart from the fact I kept worrying every five minutes that it wasn't going to get finish in time, or that I was going to completely mess it up, or that I was going to run out of material because it took quite a lot of material to make.

Mum loves it despite all the mistakes. :)



'Godzillarace' the Abomination.


OK. so first off, before I get start talking about what things I have been doing, I know it's been a very long time slice I've posted anything, but believe it or not my life has actually been VERY busy, not all in a good way though. :( There have been a few good things happen, but unfortunately a lot of really bad things, so I do apologise to you for not posting, and yes I am apologising to you, the one person who reads my blog. :P so I will make a few posts today.

Now on to the craft! It was my brothers birthday last month and for his birthday I made him, take a guess............. common guess..... a crocheted thing! yep a good old reliable crocheted thing. Well it's not exactly a "thing" it's a crocheted Godzilla 2000, or as I like to call him, because I completely messed him up, 'Godzillarace' the Abomination. I used a 3.00 mm hook and 4 ply cotton. I will post the pattern.....eventually, when I could be bothered to fix it because it's very messy.


Did I mention I hate Godzilla? I use to like him, but now I really, really don't :P , everything about him is so annoying, especially how disproportioned he is. As I was crocheting him I kept thinking I was making him all wrong, but no, Godzilla is really THAT strange in real life, I mean in film making life, I mean, oh whatever. Even though Godzilla is supposed to be disproportioned, I still think I made the legs too big and put them in the wrong place!!!

I am happy with the teeth though, but not the frills, oh how I hate them, they're just such a horrible colour. If you are wondering why they are such a horrible colour it's because the colour of the real Godzilla 2000 frills are hard to discern, and so because I couldn't decide what colour to do them I picked multi-coloured, which was a mistake. But the strange thing is, that as I was adding more of them to Godzilla, it just looked better in it's owe horrible way. My Mum said to think of them like sequins on Liberace's jacket, the more you added the better it looked. (I still hate the frills though).

Well I hope you have enjoy this blog post, of me complaining about everything! :P

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Yes I know it's a a bit messy.

I got bored a few weeks ago, so I decided to do a Padme Amidala inspired hairstyle, and after six hair ties and twenty bobbie pins I did it! (short of).


Just in case you can't tell ;) the first two pictures are of Padme :P and the last picture is my hair.

Monday, 8 April 2013




I've been meaning to post this for months but life has been busy sort of, not really, I'm just lazy. Anyway here are some things I made for my family for Christmas (yes I know I'm still on the subject of Christmas).

I made these two fruit bags for my nieces. The strawberry one is made out of wool and the watermelon one is made of cotton. (I had a little trouble with the watermelon bag but I think it turned out OK in the end).
Strawberry bag pattern here:
Watermelon Coin Purse pattern here:

I made this Crobot for my nephew, who surprising liked it (I thought he wouldn't because it wasn't Lego or a game console).

You can buy the Corbots book here: Although I have only made one pattern from this book I would recommend it because some of the patterns in it are really cute, especially the Zombiebot ;P

I painted this for my Dad out of arctic paint. I know I'm no Vincent Van Gogh but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

My Sister posted this picture on her Facebook page, and because I'm poor and these tea sets cost a lot of money, ever since then I knew exactly what I was going to make her for Christmas.
And so here they are! They're made out of bakeable clay, and I think they took about four hours to make.

I was racing my brain as to what I should make my Mum for Christmas and then it hit me, what elase would someone make their mother for Christmas, other than a pink crocheted Cthulhu! (I think used the wrong hook because it seems bigger than the last one I made, but it's hard to tell because I haven't got that one anymore).
My brother really loves Nightgaunts so I modified my alien pattern (which I will post the pattern to soon) and ended up with this:

He's made from 4 ply cotton and a 2.00 mm needle just like the Alien
I do wonder one thing though, why is it the things I make for my brother only just get finished just in time, at like three in the morning, and I end up going crazy because of lack of sleep? 
I made this crochet doll of my sister, for my brother-in-laws birthday. It felt kind of weird crocheting my sister in a bikini but it was worth it because I got lots of thankyou hugs :)

I modified this pattern to make the doll.
My brother half made this Mandrel (from Doctor Who) for my birthday out of "green stuff" and I say half made because he only finished sculpting it for my birthday and three months later finally painted it. But at lest it's finally finished now and it looks amazing and at lest my brother sculpted the fur on the Mandrel's bum (which he was hesitant to do because apparently it looked "weird") like the original costumes.

Awww.... look it wants a hug.

And finally, last thing! I didn't make this, my sister did. I didn't want to made the biscuits because it looked to pretty in the jar, but my mum and brother convinced me to make them and they tasted really good!